Enter The Midcomp/Direct Color Systems T-shirt Design Competition

Enter The HP/Anajet T-shirt Design Competition

Designers are invited to post their ‘Where T-Shirt Printing Takes Off’ themed T-shirt design on the Sign Africa or FESPA Africa Facebook page. The competition is sponsored by Midcomp/Direct Color Systems and entries close on 10 September 2018.

Competition rules

Submitted designs should:
– Comprise of the ‘Where T-Shirt Printing Takes Off’ theme.
– Entrants should post their designs on either the Sign Africa or FESPA Africa Facebook page.
– Facebook posts caption should include the words ‘Where T-Shirt Printing Takes Off’ along with the hashtag ‘#FESPAAfrica’/ ‘#SignAfricaExpo’.
– Get as many likes as possible for their design to be printed and showcased at the FESPA Africa and Sign Africa expo.
– Email the posted design and your contact details to: Thapy@practicalpublishing.co.za

Please note

Entrants need to get as many likes as possible by 10 September 2018 (5pm). The top 15 designs will be printed and showcased at the event. These designs will be printed and displayed on site for the public vote.

First place: R5000.
Runner-up: R2500.
Third place: R1500.