DUKE Group And Partner Launch Ethnographic Market Research Agency

DUKE Group And Partner Launch Ethnographic Market Research Agency
Greg Potterton, Instant Grass founder.

With the global perspective gained from launching Instant Grass in both the North American and Asia Pacific markets, Instant Grass founder Greg Potterton realised that a South African partner was needed to truly unlock the potential of the Sub Saharan African markets. Potterton has partnered with the DUKE Group to launch NUDE – Africa’s first dedicated ethnographic market research agency.

NUDE will focus exclusively on ethnographic research which, unlike traditional Q&A research, allows the client to step into the lives of actual people and watch how they live, how they make choices and how products and services actually fit into their daily routine, lifestyle and culture. This human-centric approach gets to the root of why people do what they do, versus what they say they do.

Using the latest video and mobile content creation platforms, NUDE will ensure that projects are implemented quickly and efficiently with the aim of eliminating the lengthy timing and budgetary constraints associated with traditional research.

Potterton said, ‘The industry seems to be infatuated with collecting more and more data.  However, we seem to have forgotten that consumers are people and are by nature irrational and unpredictable. We hope to take clients beyond the data points and into the lives of real people. We want to shape, not measure, opinions.’

Having worked with DUKE CEO Wayne Naidoo for more than two decades, understanding his approach to business and having seen the continued success of the DUKE Group, the synergies between the two businesses were obvious.

‘Instant Grass has worked with a number of multinational brands across 22 different countries and, whilst they have always excelled at consumer-driven strategic solutions, we believe the partnership with DUKE will allow them to supplement these with strong creative solutions. Equally, this will further enrich the group with a powerful consumer collaboration tool in our arsenal,’ added Naidoo.

‘We both believe in the power of collaboration and believe that NUDE cements our shared mission of doing great business, with great people and in a great way,’ added Potterton.

+27 21 421 4239