Digital Out Of Home Is The Future Of Outdoor Media

Digital Out Of Home Is The Future Of Outdoor Media
Remi Du Preez, Commercial Director at Tractor Outdoor

Remi Du Preez, Commercial Director at Tractor Outdoor, lists five key take-outs of digital out of home (DOOH) media.

The beginning of every year is typically a time where we reflect on the learnings from the previous months and decide what we want to take forward into the year ahead. As someone who is firmly entrenched in DOOH media, there are several key learnings that have become increasingly clear to me over the past year, which I believe will set the scene and pave the way for the 12 months that follow.

1. Automated ad serving allows you to go to market within minutes

In 2022, nearly everything is instantaneous, and marketers are increasingly demanding this same level of fluidity and flexibility in their outdoor campaigns. Programmatic DOOH allows for the automated buying, selling and delivery of out of home advertising, which lets marketers benefit from the having the presence (and eyeballs) of an outdoor billboard, combined with the speed and precision of digital.

This has clear advantages to advertisers: campaigns are able to be automated and updated in real-time, resulting in a far more dynamic and targeted delivery, whilst simultaneously creating avenues to access the kind of audience data that will enrich a campaign.

2. Small budgets can pack a punch, provided you have the right partners on board

As we enter what has been officially dubbed the ‘post-pandemic era’, marketing budgets remain lean as businesses clamour to recover the revenue lost. However, rather than let this deter us as an industry, we’ve innovated – creating powerful campaigns on shoestring budgets that deliver real results.

However, this is not without a caveat, you need the right partners on board. A good partner will understand your objectives, deal with you transparently and provide you with options that give you the most bang for your proverbial buck.

3. DOOH is growing exponentially

This one should come as a surprise to…precisely no one. The shift to all things digital, catalysed by Covid-19, saw media owners rapidly extend their DOOH footprint, and we can expect this to continue. On the other side, clients who mainly engaged in outdoor advertising across static sites have since been exposed to the flexibility that DOOH affords, and are increasingly including digital sites in their campaign inventory plans.

If 2020 and 2021 gave us an inkling, 2022 confirmed it: DOOH is not only here to stay, but it is the future of outdoor media.

4. Blurred lines

The line between offline and online has become increasingly blurred, and we need ongoing education to all stakeholders on the value that a truly integrated omni-channel campaign brings: one that centres less around the medium, and more around the idea.

5. DOOH enables hyper-targeting

Lastly, one final and compelling take-out for marketers to know, which should be factored into their plans for the upcoming months, is that DOOH enables hyper-targeting thanks to the overlay of mobile data, with similar levels of precision to that of online advertising.

We’re now able to observe and track devices that move in front of digital screens, making us privy to the locations that consumers frequent. This, coupled with greater tracking features, allows a brand to be very targeted in who it wants to speak to.