Derrick Agency Launches Campaign For 10X Investments

Derrick Launches Campaign For 10K Investments

The new 10X adverts star comedian Nik Rabinowitz, who has appeared in previous 10X campaigns. A simple construct shows Rabinowitz as narrator (as well as the butt end of the joke) demonstrating the big difference a small percentage can make to enjoying retirement. 

An ugly truth that 10X has lifted the lid on is that, of the South Africans who do contribute to a retirement saving fund (a small minority), many will lose up to 40% of their retirement savings to high fees.

‘Despite having outperformed many competitors in the retirement savings, living annuities and unit trusts world for a number of years, 10X plays in a field of industry giants who have been around for a long time. Achieving competitive levels of brand awareness in this field is a big challenge for a relative newcomer,’ said Livio Tronchin, Executive Creative Director of Derrick.

‘The investment industry is complex and tends to leave consumers feeling frustrated and quite baffled. 10X values simplicity and clarity, and the Derrick team helped us deliver a clear, single-minded message in a humorous and engaging way,’ said Alice Cumming, Marketing Manager 10X Investments.