Ciclope Africa Festival Marks Another Celebratory Milestone For Joe Public United

Ciclope Africa Festival Marks Another Celebratory Milestone For Joe Public United

Every year, the Ciclope Africa festival showcases the continent’s best in film craft across a broad spectrum of film formats, including commercials, short films and music videos. Joe Public United has been named Advertising Agency of the Year for the third consecutive year at the Ciclope Africa Festival.

This came as the crowning achievement at the end of a (virtual) ceremony that saw Joe Public United with industry partner Romance Films being awarded across two categories, together with their client, Chicken Licken®. The brand emerged as a regular jury favourite in the categories of ‘Direction (over 90”)’ and ‘Animation’ for the ‘They Also Crave It’ campaign.

The show’s award selections were made after two rounds of online judging, followed by a video conference sitting. The final winners were decided by the top producers and creatives who comprised this year’s panel.

The integrated brand and communications agency is honoured to be recognised amongst some of the top film houses on the continent, viewing this as an affirmation of the success of a conscious drive to focus on excellence in film craft and emotive storytelling for their clients. Part of this drive is to demonstrate to clients the value that producing creative films at an award-winning international standard can contribute to the growth of their brands.

‘It is such an incredible honour to be judged as the top agency for the third year in a row. The diversity of the awards we received marks our commitment to delivering excellence across every aspect of the growth of our people, clients and country. At the same time, we are fortunate to have forged incredible alliances with clients who share our uncompromising belief in great creative work as a driver for proven results,’ said Xolisa Dyeshana, Chief Creative Officer, Joe Public Johannesburg.

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