Castle Milk Stout’s Refreshed Packaging Reaffirms Support For Indigenous Cultural Values

Castle Milk Stouts Refreshed Packaging Reaffirms Support For Indigenous Cultural Values

Castle Milk Stout has restored the much-loved black bull symbol on to its refreshed packaging design to celebrate African heritage.

After over a decade of absence, Castle Milk Stout has reintroduced the symbol of inkunzi emnyama, the familiar iconic symbol of a black bull, back on its packaging, while still retaining the taste and richness of the beer. This move is in line with Castle Milk Stout’s journey to re-connect its consumers with their African identity.

In African culture, a bull is often associated with strength and wealth. It is the alpha male in the kraal, the dominant cattle that is key in the reproduction of the livestock.

Over the years, Castle Milk Stout customers have affectionately referred to their favourite brew as inkumzi emnyana, as it embodies the characteristics similar to that of the rich, dark and smooth Castle Milk Stout liquid, which is strong, bold and authentic.

The restoration of inkunzi emnyama, which will now become a permanent feature of the revamped packaging of Castle Milk Stout, has been effected in all of the brand’s packaging, from the 750ml returnable bottle, 500ml cans (including shrinks and trays) and on 330ml non-returnable bottles.

‘We are excited to reintroduce the much-loved inkunzi emnyama back on our packaging design. We believe that this new packaging will build on the tie between Castle Milk Stout and African identity by reintroducing the black bull to our packaging and telling this story. We are aware of the importance of packaging and the role symbols play in creating brand affinity and building a brand promise. The instantly recognisable inkunzi emnyama logo will help to create re-appraisal and distinctiveness for the brand and improve trade salience through an attention-grabbing design. We hope that as our customers savour their richness with the repackaged Castle Milk Stout, it will evoke strength, boldness, authenticity and a sense of pride in being African with every sip,’ said Castle Milk Stout Marketing Manager, Khwezi Vika.

Vika explains that the repackaging of the brand follows extensive research and interactions with consumers, who lamented the absence of the cherished logo which they have grown to love and appreciate.

‘We have heard our customers and listened to their input. As a brand that is unashamedly rooted in African culture and heritage, we felt that it would be opportune to reintroduce the much-loved black bull symbol in Heritage Month as a reaffirmation of our support for indigenous cultural values. We wish to assure our customers that the signature dark liquid and the bold taste of Castle Milk Stout has not changed, it’s only the black bull that has made a welcome comeback on our packaging,’ added Vika.

The brand has begun to roll out the new repackaged Castle Milk Stout at retailers and points of sales.