Castle Lite Campaign Shows The Brand Switching To Renewable Electricity

Campaign Shows The Brand Switching To Renewable Electricity

Castle Lite’s campaign not only brings to the fore the critical topic of renewable electricity, but shows us just how much more enjoyment is possible when we make the switch. Directed by Paul Ward of Giant Films, the piece shows his instinct for contemporary storytelling.

Ward believes in capturing human emotions in an authentic way. ‘We brought in an authentic feel of what we hope to see South Africa become, with renewable electricity taking us from sitting in the dark to enjoying life again. Working with Castle Lite was a great experience. It’s inspiring when big brands like Castle Lite take the lead in making the country better for us all. Hopefully the film captures a glimpse of the energy, joy and excitement that awaits us all.’

‘We wanted to tell a ‘story of right now’, one that was relevant to our audience and our daily lives. And that’s exactly what Ward accomplished. We wanted to demonstrate how much more enjoyment we can bring to our consumers’ lives with a switch like this, and the communication brings this to life – the enjoyment is contagious,’ said Colleen Duvenage, Brand Director at Castle Lite.

With this switch, the brand is on a journey to ensure that South Africans can enjoy life and their extra cold Castle Lite to the fullest, without interruption. On average, from the start of 2021, Castle Lite has generated 1.2GWh of renewable electricity a month, meaning 1.2GWh is not being taken from the national grid and is available for all of our enjoyment.

‘We’re the first beer in South Africa to commit to using renewable electricity in our brewing process. In the first nine months of the year, we’ve already generated 9.7GWh of renewable electricity – and that’s just the start,’ said Duvenage. ‘This isn’t just about smart business – it’s about taking care of our consumers so we can all enjoy our lives in the moment to the max.’

‘The country is counting on us to get this right and pave the way for the rest of the industry to do the same. As load shedding becomes even more of a burden on our nation, corporate complacency is simply not an option.’

This is just the beginning as the brand is on a journey to be 100% brewed with renewable electricity and to fully’“switch to renewable’ sources by 2025, ensuring that they use all options available to further reduce the load they take from the national grid.