Castle Lager’s Latest Campaign Empowers Township Businesses

Castle Lagers Latest Campaign Empowers Township Businesses
Clement Manyathela, Programme Director; Mfundo Mbeki, Rands Cape Town; Kabelo Makinta, Kasi Economy Group, Thabelo Raphala, MyDough; Wendy Bedford: Castle Lager; Lindiwe Nkuna, Lindiwe Sanitary Pads; Lekau Sehoana, Drip Footwear and Aubrey Koma, Aubtec Kitchens.

Castle Lager is unleashing the economic potential of South African townships with the launch of a second campaign in the #ItsWithin series that celebrates the good that lies within in our communities – our local businesses. 

The #ItsWithin campaign, which launched earlier this year, was the start of the Castle Lager journey to get South Africans to recognise this good that exists within all of us – and within our communities is where we find our strength. Castle Lager showcased this through a TVC and partnering with local graffiti artists to bring this to life through wall murals.

Kicking off this November, the brand has launched its second campaign in the series. The Keep it Within campaign only continues the journey that started over a century ago. With a dynamic focus to empower South African township businesses, celebrate their resilience and meaningfully boost their efforts, this bold initiative will move townships from good to better. In practical terms, #KeepItWithin will inject 10% growth of more than 50 Kasi businesses by the end of 2023.

‘Castle Lager is championing the growth and development of Kasi businesses through our Keep It Within campaign,’ said Wendy Bedforth, Castle Lager Brand Director. She further explained: ‘As a brand, we recognise that our townships and Kasi’s have completely transformed – this is where good is happening, it is a place of excellence, where people are choosing to do business in their local neighbourhoods. 44% of South Africans are saying that they are spending more in Kasi and 75% saying that they would buy local brands over international fashion brands. Castle wants to provide hope to South Africans by supporting these local businesses because we know that when we focus on building on the good, the good gets even better.’

Castle Lager intends to unleash the full economic potential of the township businesses through various means in this campaign, including providing marketing support, business development tools and funding.

From the beginning of November, Castle Lager released its first batch of 500ml cans that casts the marketing spotlight on and profiles 16 Kasi businesses. These 500ml cans will be updated with a new set of 16 businesses every quarter.

Castle Lager’s Keep it Within campaign is a tangible and direct intervention to lift township businesses that are already contributing about 6% of South Africa’s GDP and over 2 million jobs in our economy. A case in point is that of Godiragetse Mogajane, who started Delivery Ka Speed – a local food delivery service that has been built on the belief of bringing accessibility to eKasi. Mogajane started his business without a team of developers or an app in Hammanskraal, Tsakane and Katlehong – all the places without traditional maps. Today, Mogajane’s food delivery business has delivered more than 10,000 meals and counting. Mogajane is a beautiful example of having a fire within to do good in their community.