Allan Gray Partners With Accenture Song For Latest Advertising Campaign

Allan Gray Partners With Accenture Song For Latest Advertising Campaign

Allan Gray’s advertising style is very much entrenched in storytelling and cinematography and its latest offering, ‘Everything comes around’ is no different. Allan Gray has partnered with Accenture Song to create an exceptional story about the life of a jazz musician from the late ’40s whose commitment to his craft is unwavering, even as musical trends come and go. His patience is rewarded with a triumphant comeback.

Filmed in Cape Town but set in New York, ‘Everything comes around’ is the latest in Allan Gray’s catalogue of beautifully crafted and memorable ads. As with Allan Gray’s previous ads, the film tells the story of time through a human lens and artfully lands the message that investing takes time – something that Allan Gray has consistently reinforced over its 50-year history.

Zwelethu Nkosi, Head of Marketing at Allan Gray, said, ‘Everything comes around’ was specifically conceptualised to commemorate Allan Gray’s 50 years of investing. It is a continuation of the brand story we have told since we started our advertising journey. We continue to use advertising to communicate our investment philosophy, beliefs and approach by telling human stories that make investing accessible, relatable and inclusive. As a brand, we believe in the power of stories to capture the minds and imaginations of audiences.’

Accenture Song Executive Creative Director, Graeme Jenner, said that ‘Everything comes around’ deliberately leans towards the future. ‘It was important, especially on Allan Gray’s 50th anniversary, for the brand not to just look back at its milestones, but to keep an eye on the future and all the potential that’s yet to be realised.’

It is a fully integrated campaign, but it’s not ‘matching luggage’. The theme of ‘time being the greatest gift of all’ is what holds the campaign together across radio, magazines, newspapers, out of home, digital and social media.

While both client and agency were keen on local talent, Jenner shares that casting was not limited to South Africa. Happily, when director Sam Coleman from Patriot Films presented his preferred cast, the selected lead, Aubrey Mogale, was from Johannesburg. And instead of a busy musical score, a sparse piano and vocal piece by local artist Muzi was used to create a mournful but simultaneously hopeful soundtrack to the man’s journey.

Jenner said, ‘All the best Allan Gray ads set out to give goosebumps, and that’s deliberate; a piece of communication that resonates with you emotionally is always going to be more memorable and create an affinity to the brand. Allan Gray stories about time always touch a heartstring because time is the one thing that none of us can get more of. So, it’s deeply personal to every single one of us.’

He added, ‘A production of this scale requires a shared vision: trust, open dialogue and collaboration between the agency, client and production house. You need
to all be pulling in the same direction to get it over the line.’

Nkosi concluded, ‘When investing, whether as an investment manager or client, one needs commitment, skill and patience. These are the qualities displayed by the lead
character. Most importantly, one also needs time. This film reinforces our core belief in the value of time. It can be incredibly difficult to stay the course when the markets test you and investment trends come and go, but over the last five decades we have
learnt how essential and rewarding conviction and perseverance are when it comes to building long-term wealth.’